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Worship with heart and purpose


Casual Worship Service – 9:00 am 

Our 9:00 am service is led by a team of singers and instrumentalists, embracing a contemporary worship music style. This service is held in our Fellowship Hall (up the stairs, to the right). Coffee and donuts are available before and during the service. This service is live streamed via Facebook Live at the time of the service or may be viewed anytime during the week from our Facebook page. 


Traditional Worship Service – 11:00 am

Our 11:00 am service is led by worship leaders and our chancel choir in a variety of musical styles, both historical and contemporary, and accompanied by organ and piano. The service is held in our Sanctuary.

Children in Worship

Children of all ages are welcome to attend either of the services. Childcare is available for infants through age 4 in room 204. Older kids are invited to the first 15 minutes of either service and can participate in children’s message. After that, they can remain in worship or attend children’s church held in room 203.


The Lord's Supper is celebrated the first Sunday of the month and on special occasions. All who proclaim their faith in Jesus Christ are welcome to participate. Children, as guided by parents, are welcome to attend for this is indeed the joyous feast of the people of God! 


The sacrament of baptism is the sign and seal of the covenant God has made with us in Jesus Christ. Our Christian identity begins in baptism, and in this sacrament we are marked forever as Christ's own. Baptism assures us of our cleansing from sin and of our welcome into the household of God. We gladly celebrate baptism of infants, youth and adults in our worship services.


We are committed to making our church accessible to everyone. Many of our accessible features were part of our “Now All Can Come” campaign, completed during our updates and renovations in 1999. Here's what we currently offer:


  • Parking and Drop-Off: Handicap-accessible parking spots (standard and van accessible) are available in the Victoria Blvd parking lot, along with a covered drop-off area.

  • Restrooms: Our first-floor restrooms are equipped with wheelchair-accessible stalls.

  • Elevator Access: An elevator is available for access to all floors of the building.

  • Fellowship Hall: This space includes family tables and rowed seating with removable chairs to accommodate different needs.

  • Sanctuary: Two areas in the sanctuary feature cutouts and modified pews, providing spacious seating for wheelchairs.

  • Large Print Bulletins: For those with visual impairments, we offer large print bulletins. Please ask an usher if you need one.

  • Hearing devices: We offer hearing devices for our 11 AM service. Please reach out to an usher if you would like one.


Please, do not hesitate to let us know if there are any other accommodations that may be helpful for you or your family.

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