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Music Ministries

Music supports the many activities of our church, including Sunday worship services and outreach efforts.

Contemporary Music Team

Music at our 9:00 am service is led by our contemporary music team. The ensemble includes vocalists, guitars, bass, drums, and keyboard. Music style is eclectic, though generally modern. Rehearsals are held before worship.


Chancel Choir

Music at our 11:00 am service is led by the Chancel Choir, a four-part ensemble singing music from across the historical spectrum, from Renaissance to Gospel and Contemporary. The choir sings through nine months of the year, and takes a break during the summer. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings at 6:45 p. m.


Kidz Choir and Performing Arts

Our mission is to use many forms of creative expression to explore worship and praise the Lord.  All children are invited.  We practice each Sunday morning at 10:10 am and sing periodically in both worship services.



There are handbell ensembles for children and adults. Handbells present music at the 11:00 am worship service throughout the year. Handbells rehearse during the school year on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

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